10 Simple Ways to Practise Self-Care

November 16, 2017 in Wellness - 3 min read

We tend to fall into a psychological trap where we start doubting, start comparing ourselves to all those around us and in doing so, we completely forget to take care of our minds and bodies. We also lose ourselves in the midst of making those around us happy and forget to focus on ourselves. So, I have compiled a list of things you could do to boost your self-esteem, confidence and remind yourself that you matter.


Memorizing the bad things about ourselves is pretty easy and that’s one of the ways we actually heighten our self-doubt levels. Switch it up by acknowledging all the good things about yourself. It’s quite challenging to think of anything we love about ourselves sometimes, the aim is to think of at least 3 traits or habits you love and you will find yourself going on and on. Read that list every now and then to get yourself back on your feet.


Treat yourself to a day of snacks and back-to-back movies. Watch your favourite genre or as many genres as possible. Switch off your phone to avoid distractions and enjoy a lovely marathon that doesn’t require you getting out of bed.


Find something you are interested in doing. It could be baking, graphic designing, contouring your face or writing. Anything! As long as you are doing something you will definitely have fun with. Find something that needs effort and creativity and you will experience satisfaction when you see what you have created.


Plan a 30-minute workout every day. Do cardio workouts on one day and let the next day be leg-day perhaps. Do some yoga exercises and practise the yoga lingo and the poses. Don’t limit yourself and don’t stress it too much. Dancing is a form of exercising too so get jiggy with it.


Go ahead and do your nails, quit waiting for someone to invite you to a formal event or ceremony to get you nails done. Pick a colour, pick a style, pick the length and glam it up. Buy yourself luxury chocolate for no apparent reason. Go all out for yourself, don’t wait for someone to get you those flowers. Go get them yourself, for yourself.


Expand your knowledge – you can literally learn about anything, books and the internet have all the resources you need. Think of something you want to know more about, grab a book or glue your eyes to your device’s screen and excite your brain with something new.


Get rid of all the unnecessary junk you have been keeping. Teach yourself to let go of anything you haven’t been using or wearing for the past few months. Decluttering also helps with clearing your mind, so get rid of the stuff you don’t need and get rid of all the toxic thoughts that linger in your mind.


Go a day or two without social media. Do anything else but login on any social media platform. After your mini abstinence, evaluate how that felt. You will find that you focussed more on yourself and didn’t have anyone to compare yourself to.


Go out for breakfast, lunch or dinner – your treat of course. You won’t have to worry about having to split the bill 4 ways, you won’t feel the pressure to hasten your eating pace and you will have the whole table to yourself. So, order your 3 steaks, 1kg pork chops and your full chicken – nobody is there to judge.


Every day, for at least 7 days, jot down 5 things that you are grateful for. There are major things and minor things to be grateful for therefore, make sure you number all of them. It’s a much better idea to focus on all that’s going right in our lives instead of dwelling on what isn’t going right. Get writing.

Self-love is very important. You are important so take good care of yourself. Put your self-love game on steroids and start appreciating yourself more.

Goodbye for now,


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  • […] season. I personally associate Fall with self-love and self-care, that’s always the theme for me. Self-care is all about your health – mental, physical, emotional, all of it. Today ,we are going to talk […]

  • Raven's Boudoir February 24, 2018 at

    Beautifully written and it’s inspirational 😘😘😘
    Please check it my blog post

  • pagerachel January 27, 2018 at

    Beautifully written. Thanks for this.

  • Masha January 1, 2018 at

    Love the self praise one, I am a strong believer in giving myself self praise. Great post. Happy New Year.

    • Mbalenhle January 1, 2018 at

      Self praise is pretty necessary 💫. Happy happy new year to you too💖

  • potluckycom December 31, 2017 at

    Love this. Self-love is of the ultimate importance.

  • khadeejahsblog December 28, 2017 at

    I love it❤️
    Please check out my blog. Wrote about something like this

  • miss_ananya December 19, 2017 at

    I really really want to practice these things and start loving myself truly. ❤❤

  • primeoptimum December 19, 2017 at

    Note taken

  • Reuben December 2, 2017 at

    I enjoyed this post. Nurturing and caring for oneself is the best gifts we can give ourselves. Nice ways to fill our well up.

  • […] via 10 Simple Ways to Practise Self-Love — Budding Regardless […]

  • Deshi Nenkinan Nehemiah November 21, 2017 at

    Thank you once again Mbalenhle. Teaching us to “bud regardless”

  • SimplyUntamedNatonya November 20, 2017 at

    You are so wise and this post has encouraged me to let go of being modest. I need to appreciate myself a bit more b/c ultimately we are in charge of ourselves, it’s my job to care of me. Tonight, I’m going to have some dessert, watch a girly show like Sex and The City and polish my nails–fingers & toes. Lovely post X

    • Mbalenhle November 20, 2017 at

      YASS! 🙌 It is your job to take care of yourself and only you can do a good job at it because you know what makes you happy🌻. You are definitely going to have a great night tonight 🤗. Enjoy 💖

  • theorangutanlibrarian November 20, 2017 at

    This is such a lovely list!! A lot of these really work for me- like exercising and watching movies 🙂 And I definitely agree that treating yourself and learning something new is a good idea. I also think decluttering is a great way to clear your mind. I totally agree about going off social media. Basically- I agree with everything on here!! 😀

    • Mbalenhle November 20, 2017 at

      Haha. Basically, you agree with everything l see 😄. I’m so glad. It’s so important for us to pamper ourselves hey 🙌. Thank you so much for reading 💓💝

  • seaofwordsx November 19, 2017 at

    Such a good post! 😍

  • milliefowler November 17, 2017 at

    such a great post! These things are so important to keep in your life! definitely worth the read!xxxx

    • Mbalenhle November 19, 2017 at

      Indeed 🤗 thanks for reading 💝

  • mamashanika November 17, 2017 at

    This is so true, especially the social media part because sometimes we get caught up in “relationship goals” or whatever is trending.Love this!!

    • Mbalenhle November 19, 2017 at

      Social media can be really bad for us sometimes hey. I’m glad you loved this🤗🌼

  • Renee November 17, 2017 at

    THANK YOU for justifying the consumption of 3 steaks, 1kg pork chops and your full chicken — much appreciated. Great post with lots of wonderful tips about self-love. It is SO important to fit these things into your daily routine to keep a happy, healthy mind 🙂

    • Mbalenhle November 19, 2017 at

      Haha. Nobody would judge you or rush you😊! Thanks for stopping by 💖

  • Alice November 16, 2017 at

    Treat Yo self ! Thanks for these tips! Saving this list 🙂

  • fraziersracket November 16, 2017 at

    Great list!

  • Nothile November 16, 2017 at

    Human beings are so weird we are lazy to even pamper ourselves 🙄Beautiful message mbali I definitely need to change my life❤️😭

    • Mbalenhle November 19, 2017 at

      😄So weird for neglecting ourselves like this! Haha. I’m glad you’re going to do something about it💓

  • The Style of Laura Jane November 16, 2017 at

    You are so right about that psychological trap…it is so easy to fall into! I absolutely adore your posts girl!!
    I love every point and actually practice them all. Apart from listing 10 things that I am grateful for. I will try to do that and I am always trying to declutter. xx

    • Mbalenhle November 19, 2017 at

      We fall in this trap so easily, but hey we gotta snap outta it sometimes🤗. I have been pampering myself way too much lately but l can’t really say its a bad thing😄. Let’s keep boosting our self-love levels then 🙌💖

  • TheAyeshaSite November 16, 2017 at

    This is such an important topic. I love “buy yourself luxury chocolate for no apparent reason”. I would only add a bouquet of sunflowers for my desk or my cubicle at work or my fancy kitchen.

    • Mbalenhle November 19, 2017 at

      Yes, it’s so important for us to do the little things for ourselves 🤗. Thanks for stopping by 🌼💖

  • Cherylene November 16, 2017 at

    Great message! 🙂

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    Hi and welcome! My name is Mbalenhle K but everyone calls me Mbali for short (say: mm-bah-lee). I am a freelance copywriter who loves all things art, experiences and aesthetics (big time Pinterest gworl 🧚🏽)! I am the founder of Budding Regardless where I talk about mindfulness, self-development and self-nurturing for creatives. Read More

    Mbalenhle K.

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